We all know that cooking with wine brings a touch of magic to the kitchen. But it is not easy to know which is the most suitable for each type of food, since most recipes do not usually give many clues when specifying which type of wine is the most appropriate for the occasion, whether red wine, rosé wine, or white wine, sweet, dry, expensive cheap, etc.
In the London Cooking Area cooking school they are clear that one wine does not matter the same as another, among other things, neither because of the aroma-bouquet nor the flavor that it can contribute to a specific dish. Although it may be present to opt for the quick solution, improvisation, nobody likes to open a £50.00 bottle to add half a glass to what they are cooking without being sure that the result will be as expected. Although many recommendations on the perfect wines to cook circulate on the Internet, in London cooking courses they always recommend taking into account these recommendations to cook with wine and not ruin the evening.

1. Choose the wine based on the recipe.
A dry red wine that can add density and color to meat sauces for a stew, for example, is not the same as a sweet red wine that can add thickness and sweetness to the salt, ideal for roasted meats. On the other hand, white wines give it a touch of acidity required by certain fish and seafood sauces. Choose the wine you choose, above all, do not cook with a wine that you would not drink.
2. Consider wine as one more ingredient that contains alcohol.
It is one more ingredient that needs to be cooked over low heat for a long period of time. Keep in mind that alcohol has to evaporate and that can take time. For any cooking recipe, the longer the wine is in contact with the food, the better integration of all its aromas and flavors.
3. Above all, do not go overboard with the quantity, as you can literally ruin the dish.
Cooking is a rewarding game, but it should also be healthy. Just as you have to control the amount of salt and the splash of vinegar that you add, you have to be very careful when adding wine in the kitchen, especially if you have never done it before with that wine and that particular food. .
The best thing is to add and test little by little.
The best chefs in the world who know perfectly the keys to cooking with wine always remember that in the kitchen "if you don't taste it, you don't know what it tastes like", so let yourself go and enjoy and you will see how an exquisite dish comes out.