Pickled Vegetable, Pickles and Olives


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Frequently Asked Questions

Pickled foods, including vegetables, are made by immersing them in vinegar, water, salt, and often sugar. This brine helps preserve the vegetables and infuses them with a distinctive tangy flavour.

Pickled foods are made through a process called pickling. Vegetables are submerged in a brine solution of vinegar, water, salt, and sometimes sugar. The acidity of the vinegar and the salt content preserves the vegetables and creates a unique pickled taste.

A wide variety of vegetables can be pickled. Common choices include cucumbers (for dill pickles), carrots, cauliflower, onions, and peppers. At Organica, we offer an assortment of pickled vegetables, allowing you to explore different flavours and textures.

Canned vegetables can be nutritious, retaining vitamins and minerals during the canning process. However, it's crucial to choose low-sodium and additive-free options. Organica offers canned pickled vegetables, providing a delicious and healthy choice.

Pickled vegetables are typically prepared by preserving them in a brine, which involves slightly cooking them. While the pickling process requires heat, the result is somewhat raw. The process gives the vegetables a unique texture and flavour.

Our pickled vegetable prices at Organica are competitive, offering quality products at affordable rates. Visit our online store to view specific product prices and explore special offers on our range of pickled delights.

Organica provides LaSelva mixed pickles, combining various vegetables in a delightful medley of flavours. Explore our range to discover the perfect blend for your palate.

Organica offers Italian pickled vegetables, providing a taste of authentic Mediterranean flavours. Explore our selection to add a touch of Italy to your culinary creations.