There are people around you who love wine and want to talk about it; however, are you having trouble understanding exactly what he's talking about? Or, do you have a keen interest in wine, but it sounds like it's been half translated from a foreign language? Then this article of basic wine terminology is for you!

When you pick up a wine bottle or review the wine menu, here are some tips and basic wine vocabulary that actually help us understand wine better. These are the wine:
grape variety,
The region where the grapes are grown,
It is in the form of a record. So what does all this mean?
There are many factors that determine the characteristics of wine. However, we can say that grapes are the most decisive in this regard. For this reason, looking at the grape or grapes it is produced from will give you a preliminary information about the taste. We will share with you the effects of grape varieties on wine in general terms in the future. For the time being, wines produced from a single grape (eg Merlot or Pinot Noir) are monoseparated; It will be enough to know that wines produced after the blending of more than one grape (eg Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot or Öküzgözü-Boğazkere) are called mugage. In the wines produced as a cup, not only the grapes have their own characteristics; At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the interactions of the grapes with each other.
Another factor that can give you an idea while choosing a wine is the region where the grapes are grown. The information label on the middle-bottom part of the label on the front of the bottles or on the back contains the information of the region where the grapes are grown. Taste nuances will enrich your choices over time, especially among wines from different regions where the same grape is grown.
In addition to the grape and region (vineyard) information of the wine, there is yield information on the bottles or on the menus. The word yield has passed into our language from French, just like mugage and monoseparation; however, it has changed in the meaning of the word while passing into our language. In Turkish, harvest means the total harvest in one year. In the winemaking literature, it is used as the year in which the grape(s) in the wine is vintage. Yield information provides us with preliminary information about the age of the wine; However, we should point out that there are many points to be considered regarding the aging issue.
We will continue to write about the terms you may encounter while getting to know the magical world of wine better. What are the words you hear the most or wonder about?