Paulaner Weissbier Alcohol Free
Paulaner Weissbier Alcohol Free is brewed using a combination of Herkules hop varieties, light and dark wheat malt, Pilsner malt, and Munich malt, this isotonic thirst-quencher boasts fine malt aromas, fruity Weissbier flavours, and a hint of sweetness. The traditional brewing technique and careful alcohol removal process ensure that the beer retains its refreshing taste.
Style | Wheat Beer

0.0% | Bottle | 330.0 ml
Paulaner Weissbier has a balanced combination of fine malt aromas, refreshingly fruity Weissbier flavours and a pleasing hint of sweetness, Paulener’s non-alcoholic Weissbier 0,0% can be enjoyed on any occasion. This isotonic thirst-quencher is brewed using the traditional Paulaner Weissbier technique and the alcohol is carefully removed after a thorough maturing process. A complex procedure removes all the alcohol from the beer, without losing any of its refreshing flavour! All these efforts pay off, as you can taste with every drop!
Paulaner Weissbier Alcohol Free is a strictly non-alcoholic beer that offers great flavour. It is brewed using a combination of Herkules hop varieties, light wheat malt, dark wheat malt, Pilsner malt (light barley malt), and Munich malt (dark barley malt). This non-alcoholic Weissbier 0,0% has a balanced combination of fine malt aromas, refreshingly fruity Weissbier flavours, and a pleasing hint of sweetness, making it a perfect drink for any occasion.
The beer is an isotonic thirst-quencher that is brewed using the traditional Paulaner Weissbier technique, and the alcohol is carefully removed after a thorough maturing process. A complex procedure is used to remove all the alcohol from the beer without losing any of its refreshing flavour. All the efforts put into producing this beer pay off, as you can taste its refreshing flavour with every drop.